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The landlords of 50 Lincoln Rd., in which the Access Point storefront is located, are excellent and doing a very nice job on sprucing up that building. I can put anyone interested in touch with them.


Cell phone store?

PLG rez

No! There's already a cell phone store nearby. I want more food. Middle Eastern or Greek is on my list - one of those spaces has got to be large enough for takeout.


my experience with them has not been as positive as babs. They are asking hi rents for their commercial space, like $3,500 for the accesspoint space and that doesn't come with a basement.

they rented the corner at Beekman to some beauty products store. Not that we don't need a beauty products store in the neighborhood, but that segment of the market is already over represented.

I'm withholding judgment, they have enough commercial space to drop the price a little to bring in a tenant that would be an addition to the neighborhood and not more of the same. Hopefully they can be a little more progressive in that regard.

And no that space is not too small for a nail salon. check out butter nails around the corner.


They would be willing to negotiate a bit on the price for the right tenant, but also feel that $3500 is not too high considering what commercial rents are in other areas. They have specifically told me that they do not want a nail salon or a beauty parlor.

Beekman Place is another story -- they've had a much harder time with that building. They had a tough time renting out the commercial space there (in part because of its size and location) and don't see the area as ripe for "gentrification" as the Lincoln Rd area.

PLG rez

Hey Babs - No offense but that seems like pretty dumb strategy, that b/c rents are high elsewhere that their property should be worth the same.

If they offered a good deal to a "gentrifier" tenant, the investment would pay off in the form of legitimately higher rents down the road. Their current strategy seems very short sighted, esp as their losing $$ on it being vacant.

Are they negotiating with anyone? Is anyone interested? To think that Beekman isn't ripe for a better business is also silly. Would that space be large enough for a bank branch?


They've had some bad experiences with Beekman Place, and the space just sat there for a while. They're relatively new to the area (bought 50 Lincoln just one year ago, but only really started to work on it over the summer) and don't really know how much things cost (they're comparing it to their buildings in other areas). They gave the listing to a commercial broker who thus far hasn't really brought them anyone. They certainly would be willing to talk to anyone who seemed serious and solid -- no fly-by-night, undercapitalized businesses or inexperienced owners, please, unless they've got other strengths. What would you consider a good price for this space? Does anyone know approximately how much K-Dog's or Enduro pays?


isn't visualization usually better focused on the positive rather than the negative? in other words, if folks can imagine what kind of business would be desired and workable there, then energy can be focused in that direction...and maybe some ideas offered to the broker....


They've tried attracting people on their own, but they are primarily residential landlords and don't have the commercial connections necessary -- besides, what are you paying the broker for? Unlike a residential listing, in which the tenant pays the fee, in commercial rentals the LL pays the (hefty) fee. I'm not a commercial broker, just trying to help them out here, and I don't really have the requisite knowledge either, so any suggestions would be welcome!


These rents are high for the area. I am curious how many of the places in our area actually pay their rent?? I see places that never have anyone in them. I can think of two that do virtually no business at all. Someone is paying somebody..
I assume K-Dog and Enduro are just making their rents and they are very busy most of the time.


I believe Aguayo and Huebner rented KDog and Enduro their spaces. Although I don't know the final negotiated amounts, the asking rent for KDog's space was $2600 and the asking rent for Enduro's was $3600.

I too would LOVE to know how some of the local businesses (with so few patrons) stay open.

franz fanonymous

empty stores in PLG? i've actually marveled at how busy most of the flatbush businesses are. the salons are bustling around the clock (i've seen people getting braided at 3 in the morning) the restaurants are always occupied, the bodegas and produce stores do regular business. what else is there really?...not familiar with the emptiness referred to above...i'm sure there are exceptions as with any commercial stretch but i would argue that the stores see a higher volume of foot traffic than their counterparts in other sections of the borough. not suggesting that i'm thrilled with the options we have because i'm not. but it's a bit shady to assume that area businesses are struggling just because a certain PLG demographic doesn't patronize them....

franz fanonymous

and tomg...you're curious about how many area businesses actually pay their rent? no offense man but that's one of the more obtuse questions i've heard in at least six months. guess what...they all pay rent, just like you do, or they get evicted, just like you would. but hey, if you're aware of local landlords who have jettisoned traditional business practices like the collection of rent then let me know...i want to open up a bagel joint...


There are places that do little to no business. I know they pay rent or they would be evicted. I am only suggesting they pay the rent by other means. I don't think the guy on Flatbush just north of Beekman does a bustling business (yip's?) I know another place near me that hasn't done much business at all in all the time I have lived here. A bodega that never has deliveries of bread, milk or anything but it remains and the rent gets paid. That is what I am saying. It wasn't meant to be obtuse. I am saying the rent gets paid by other means


Tom, what do you mean by "they pay the rent by other means"? What means?
Why would someone pay a rent for a store that doesn't generate any business ? I can only see one explanation here, and it is that the store is just a storefront for another kind of business, more illegal I am afraid...Is that what you meant ?


Well..yes that is exactly what I meant.


hi, I am interested in renting a space on lincoln rd, I might send what it has available(spare). thank you

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