We received many tips on this one.
Someone drew a new bike lane on Lincoln Rd. We assume that DOT did it, but it could just as easily have been some bicycling hoodlums seeking to inconvenience us.
Yes - inconvenience.
Lincoln Rd. is prime for double parking, stereo blasting and general nefarious loitering. With the bike lane taking up 25% of the street's width, it will be impossible for us to leave enough room to the left of our Escalade for through traffic.
i get the ProspectPark connection, but to where on the east do the bike lanes connect?
Posted by: Kendall | June 11, 2007 at 12:29 PM
I noticed a new bike lane on Maple I also. Combined with our FOUR day/week alternate side parking this is going to be VERY inconvenient two days/week for people living on those blocks.
The Police have long "tolerated"double parking here during street cleaning hours.I've noticed that, in Park Slope, people "double park" in the middle of the street, next to the bike lanes.I wonder if that will catch on here?
Posted by: Bob M | June 11, 2007 at 04:46 PM
Bedford Avenue has a bicycle lane running from Atlantic Avenue down to Sheepshead Bay.
Posted by: Adrian Lesher | June 11, 2007 at 05:56 PM
"where on the east do the bike lanes connect?"
Bedford Ave. Bike lanes?
Posted by: Bob M | June 11, 2007 at 06:13 PM
the lanes continue east at least as far as Nostrand, and perhaps further....haven't tracked 'em fully....bikers today sure seemed to enjoy 'em
Posted by: Kendall | June 11, 2007 at 10:03 PM
Let's hope that the cops start ticketing all the double-parkers. Parking is not "inconvenient" enough.
Posted by: mike | June 12, 2007 at 09:43 AM
Also, to the east, Lincoln and Maple will ultimately connect to new lanes running, I think, down 95th and 94th Streets terminating at Canarsie Pier. So, these lanes will provide Brooklynites with a waterfront-to-waterfront bike route, Red Hook to Jamaica Bay (with a park in the middle). Pretty cool if you axe me.
Posted by: Z | June 12, 2007 at 12:23 PM
Cyclists safety at the price of your "convenience"... sounds fair.
It continues to disgust me that we devote the largest portion of our public space to free automobile storage...
I'm amazed at the indignation drivers display when cyclists encroach on the roads that they think belong to cars.
get over it.
Posted by: citizen | June 12, 2007 at 01:24 PM
I think the new bike lanes are a great addition to the neighborhood! By making it safer and more convenient to bicycle, hopefully this will encourage more people to ride their bikes instead of driving.
Posted by: widget | June 12, 2007 at 01:40 PM
I'm hoping that's good ol' sarcasm I'm sensing in this post, as I'm sure I needn't remind anyone that a driver is encased by about 3000 lbs of metal, while a bike straddles about 20 lbs between his or her legs. READ: they need all the help, and bike lanes, they can get.
Posted by: LMae | June 12, 2007 at 03:23 PM
Here are some of the maps with bike lanes in Brooklyn
Life is Good!!
Posted by: tg | June 13, 2007 at 08:52 AM
More and safer bike lanes = fewer drivers = less noise, less smog, more green space.
Streetsblog wrote about this post:
Posted by: carrie | June 13, 2007 at 10:04 AM
I watched the city crew doing the painting on Maple in front of my building... the lanes were not painted by pro-bike hoodlums. I was kinda hpoing they were there to fix that enormous manhole-related pothole on Maple.
Posted by: maxnix | June 13, 2007 at 02:58 PM