Officer Russell Timoshenko, 23, died yesterday due to complications from the gunshot wounds he sustained last Monday on Lefferts Ave. near Rogers Ave. He was a familiar face in the neighborhood - we recall seeing him at K-Dog and putting his best foot forward as a cop in a city that is generally not so easy to police.
Possibly due to his age, familiarity and proximity of the shooting to our home, Officer Timoshenko's death makes us extremely angry and sad. He was too young, earnest and the events leading to his death unfolded much too close to our home for us to pretend that it happened in another dimension or put the event into a space in our brains where death is comprised of statistics.
Around the same time of the shooting, we learned that an acquaintance from college died in Iraq. Again, another earnest, young person killed senselessly.
In our minds, the two deaths are related by the unfortunate reality of indifference. We've got many levels of scum in this country, inflicting callous, contrived and ultimately self-serving actions on others. The narcissism and interpersonal defects involved in such situations are palpable: for one president, the rush comes from inciting a bullshit war through manipulative rhetoric to keep raking in the black gold, without which he's just another guy. For two asshole thieves, the high comes from stealing a BMW and carrying a loaded weapon, presumably to make an impression and later get some bling.
Timoshenko proudly served this neighborhood and died for utterly senseless reasons, as do many young people in Iraq. Regardless of the sentence handed down when Timoshenko's murder case goes to trial, there will be no justice.
It makes us sick to our stomach.
If anyone is clear on what people can do to support the family and precinct of the fallen officer, please post a comment or email us.
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